Cinnafs Easy Plays from Shakespeare 10




Miranda: What a storm, father !

(She shakes water off her coat.)

Prospero: Don't go near the sea, Miranda.

Miranda: The island will sink !

Prospero: Impossible !

Miranda: But look at that ship. It will strike the rocks, and everyone will die.

Prospero: Don't worry. The ship is safe.

Miranda: Is it ? I don't think so.

Prospero: You are too young to know anything. Who am I ?

Miranda: You are my father.

Prospero: Yes, but I was more than just a father, Miranda.

Miranda: I have never asked you questions.

Prospero: True, but you are old enough to know. Take my magic coat off me. (MIRANDA takes coat off PROSPERO.) Don't cry !

Miranda: Someone may die.

Prospero: No, I promise, no one will die. My magic will save the ship.

Miranda: Thank you, dear father. I'm glad you saved it.

Prospero: I had a reason. On that ship are men I know.

Miranda: Other men ? I know you and Caliban, but I have never seen another man.

Prospero: Never ? Think carefully.

Miranda: When I was very young I had other friends, I think. But the memory is so vague it may be a dream.

Prospero: That's no dream. It was true.

Miranda: Where have all those people gone ?

Prospero: They did not move. You and I moved.

Miranda: Why ?

Prospero: Ah, that's a difficult question. Don't you remember ?

Miranda: No.

Prospero: How long have we lived on this island ?

Miranda: I don't know that, either.

Prospero: Twelve years.

Miranda: Twelve years !

Prospero: Yes, you are now 15 years old. Twelve years ago your father was duke of Milan.

Miranda: Are you not my father ?

Prospero: I am. Twelve years ago I was also duke of Milan.

Miranda :But what happened ? Why did we leave Milan ?

Prospero: Ah. My younger brother Antonio seized power. He formed an army, stole my dukedom and put us on a little boat. I thought we would die, but the winds brought us to this island.

Miranda: Why didn't Antonio kill us, father ?

Prospero: The people loved me, and he feared them.

Miranda: What a wicked man Antonio must be. If I ever meet him....

Prospero: You can.

Miranda: Oh ? How can I meet him ?

Prospero: He is on that boat. He and other men from Milan. A tempest brought their ship near here, and they are now in my power.

Miranda :Father, will you kill them ?

Prospero (putting on his magic coat) : You ask too many questions, Miranda. Sleep, child, sleep. (MIRANDA sleeps.) Now Ariel Come here, Ariel.

(Enter ARIEL.)

Ariel:I am here, Prospero.

Prospero: Ariel, you caused the tempest?

Ariel: I did, sir.

Prospero: And where is the ship ?

Ariel:It is safe in the harbor.

Prospero: And the men ?

Ariel: They also are safe. As the ship came near the rocks, they jumped into the water and swam ashore.Β

Prospero: Their names ?

Ariel: Ferdinand, son of the king. He is alone on the beach, and thinks the others dead.

Prospero: And the others ?

Ariel: They are in different parts of the island. Your brother Antonio is on the other side of the island.

Prospero: Good work, Ariel.

Ariel: Now am I free ? You promised to give me my freedom.

Prospero: Not yet, Ariel, but soon. We have work to do.

Ariel: Free me !

Prospero: Soon, soon, be patient.

Ariel:Remember, Prospero, I have worked hard for you. I have told no lies. I have not grumbled. Give me my freedom.

Prospero: Do you forget my kindness to you .

Ariel: I don't forget.

Prospero: You do forget.

Ariel :I remember everything.

Prospero: You lie, Ariel, you are lying now ! You forget Sycorax.

Ariel:No, no, I remember her.

Prospero: That's better. You were servant to Sycorax, and she was so wicked her enemies put her on this island. When you refused her foul orders, she imprisoned you in a pine tree.

Ariel:Don't remind me. I lived for twelve years in that tree.

Prospero: She died, leaving her even fouler son Caliban. I found you and freed you from the tree.

Ariel: Thank you, master.

Prospero: If you complain again, I will put you back in that pine tree, and leave you there twelve more years.

Ariel: Pardon, master. I will obey.

Prospero: Yes, obey me. I will free you in two days. I promise you.

Ariel: You are a noble master.

Prospero: Then serve me well. First, my magic will make you invisible. Now go and find Caliban. (Exit ARIEL.) Wake up, Miranda, wake up.

Miranda(waking) : I'm sorry. I dreamed you told me of trouble with your brother.

Caliban : (off; roars like a bear.)

Prospero: (to CALIBAN) Come here, you poisonous slave. (to ARIEL) Ariel.

(Enter ARIEL.)

Prospero: Listen to me, Ariel.

(ARIEL listens. PROSPERO whispers to him.)

Ariel: I will.

(Exit ARIEL.)

(CALIBAN enters roaring.)

Prospero: Silence ! Caliban, bring wood for the fire, and water.

Caliban: No.

Prospero: Hurry.

Caliban: Never. I will not work for you. This is my island. You stole it from me, Prospero.

Prospero: You will not eat until the work is finished.

Caliban: Once, you were kind to me. I showed you the best springs of water on the island. What a fool I was ! I was king here before you came.

Prospero: Silence! I was kind to you, Caliban: you tried to steal my daughter.

Caliban: Yes, I want Miranda for my wife. I want many little Calibans like me.

Miranda: No, you filthy beast. I taught you how to speak.

Caliban: Yes, you taught me how to speak, and the result is that I know how to curse. And I curse you for teaching me how to speak.

Prospero: Bring wood and water. If you don't hurry, my magic will give you such pains you will not sleep tonight.

Caliban (quietly) : No, don't do that.

(Exit CALIBAN. Enter ARIEL leading FERDINAND.)

Ferdinand: Music. Music. Where does it come from ? I see nobody. My father died in the storm, and I am alone on this strange island.

Miranda (to PROSPERO only): Is this a man, father ?

Ferdinand (alone) : This music crept by me upon the waters and calmed the storm. At the same time it calmed my sorrow. My poor, dear father.

Miranda (to PROSPERO) : I think he is speaking, father. Is he a man like you, or a spirit like Ariel ?

Prospero: This is a man, one from the ship. Now he is alone and looks for his friends.

Miranda: How handsome he is ! Almost a god.

Prospero (to ARIEL) : Well done, Ariel, well done. You have made my Miranda happy. In two days I will free you.

Ferdinand (seeing MIRANDA) : A goddess ! The music must come from her lips. (Kneels.) Pardon me, are you a goddess ?

Miranda: Goddess ! Of course not! I am just a girl.

Ferdinand: But you speak my language.

Miranda: You speak my language.

Ferdinand: The language is mine. All the people of Naples use this language; as my father is dead, I may call it my language.

Miranda: Your father is dead ?

Ferdinand: Yes. A storm drove our ship to this island, and everyone but me is dead, I fear.

Miranda: How terrible.

Prospero (alone) : Love at first sight. (to ARIEL) You have found my girl a lover. Ariel, you have done well. In two days, I promise you freedom. (to FERDINAND ; rather angrily) Sir, how dare you come here to this island ? We didn't invite you.

Miranda: Father ! How can you be so unkind ? This is the third man I ever saw.

Ferdinand: I am the third man ? You are the first woman. If you allow me, I will make you the queen of Naples.

Prospero (alone) : Good, good. They are in love. (to FERDINAND) Sir, explain your visit. Do you come to steal this island from us?

Ferdinand: No. I am no thief.

Miranda: Such a fine man can have no bad intention, father.

Prospero: Nonsense. (to FERDINAND) Follow me. (to MIRANDA) Do not speak to him. He is a spy. (to FERDINAND) I will chain your neck and feet together. You will drink sea water and eat tree roots.

Ferdinand: Never. I will not come with you. (He tries to use his sword: PROSPERO uses magic to prevent FFRDINAND moving.)

Miranda: No, father, don't hurt him. Don't use your magic.

Prospero: He wants to kill me.

Miranda: No, no.

(She holds PROSPERO)

Prospero :Let go of me.

Miranda: He means no harm.

Prospero: Miranda! Silence! How can you help a rogue? There are more than three men in this world, you silly girl. This man is more handsome than Caliban, but he is a Caliban when you see better.

Miranda: I have no wish to see a better man : than this.

Prospero (to MIRANDA) : Quiet. (to FERDINAND) Come on. Ferdinand: I feel weak.

Prospero :It is my magic.

Ferdinand: My father's dead; my friends are, too. This man threatens me. All this is nothing if I can see you once a day.

Miranda (to FERDINAND) : Sir, my father sounds angry, but his heart is good. Don't worry.

Prospero (to ARIEL): Ariel, one more command. (He whispers to ARIEL.) (to FERDINAND) Come, sir, follow me. (to MIRANDA) Don't talk to him.

(Exit PROSPERO. FERDINAND follows him! MIRANDA follows FERDINAND slowly. ARIEL exits separately.)


(Enter ARIEL with music, leading ALONSO, ANTONIO, SEBASTIAN.)

Alonso: My son Ferdinand is dead.

Antonio: He may live, sir.

Alonso: No. I shall never see Ferdinand again.

Sebastian: But perhaps he swam to some other place.

Alonso: He is dead. I wish I were dead, too.

Antonio: Sir . . . .

Alonso: Enough. Let me sleep. (He sleeps.)

Sebastian: Look. He is sleeping. I wonder why .

Antonio: I don't know. I'm not sleepy.

Sabastian: I feel fine.

Antonio: You are fine, Sebastian. Alonso sleeps, but if he does not wake . . . .

Sabastian: Yes ?

Antonio: I see you become the new king.

Sabastian: Me, king ? Don't be ridiculous.

Antonio: It's not ridiculous. The young Ferdinand is drowned.

Sebastian: Well, maybe. But look, the king lives.

Antonio: Alonso sleeps, but for how long ? If he dies, who becomes king? Ferdinand is gone.

Sebastian: Then the next in line would be Claribel.

Antonio :Claribel ! The queen of Tunis ? She lives too far. If we say Alonso drowned, what can she say ?

Sebastian: Alonso is alive.

Antonio: Yes, but if he dies, think of your advancement. You understand me ?

Sebastian: I think so.

Antonio: Don't you want to advance, then ?

Sebastian: I remember how you advanced, in place of your brother Prospero.

Antonio: True, my life improved greatly.

Sabastian :Did your conscience improve, too ?

Antonio: Conscience is nothing. Here is your brother, sleeping. With my knife I can make him nothing, and you can make your conscience nothing.

Sebastian: Very well. I agree.

Antonio: Good. Take your knife, and we'll kill him together.

( They both raise knives to kill ALONSO. ARIEL enters, singing.)

Alonso (wakes) : What's this ? Knives ?

Sabastian: We heard a strange noise and came to save you.

Alonso: I heard nothing.

Antonio: It was like an earthquake.

Sebastian: Like lions, I thought.

Alonso: Then we'd better move away. My poor son Ferdinand may be in danger, so let's look for him, if he lives.

( They exit.)


(Enter CALIBAN, dragging wood, and making strange, loud noises. Enter TRINCULO with a bottle.)

Caliban (to himself) : Another spirit of Prospero. If I lie here, perhaps he will not see me. (CALIBAN lies down.)

Trinculo (seeing CALIBAN) : Hallo, hallo, what's this ? Is it a man ? It smells like a fish. But it's raining, so I'll have to shelter with him. (TRINCULO lies beside CALIBAN. Enter STEPHANO, drunk and singing.)

Caliban :Don't hurt me.

Stephano: What's this ? A devil ?

Caliban: Help.

Stephano: A monster. and he speaks our language. Well, well!

Caliban: I'm bringing the wood to Prospero as fast as I can.

Stephano: Wood ? Don't worry about wood. Let's have a drink. (He gives bottle to CALIBAN ; CALIBAN drinks.)

Trinculo: Stephano.

Stephano: What's this ? Two heads ? Help ! A monster.

(He runs away.)

Trinculo: Stephano. I am not a monster. It's me. Trinculo.

Stephano :Trinculo. I thought you were dead.

Trinculo: I thought you were dead.

Stephano: No, I swam to the island with this bottle. Have a drink. (TRINCULO drinks. )

Caliban: Let me drink.

Stephano: No.

Caliban: Let me drink. I will show you the best places of the island. Be my god.

Stephano: The monster wants me to be his god.

Trinculo: Let him drink.

Caliban : (drinking) Thank you. I like this water.

Stephano: Water ? This is not water. It is wine.

Caliban: Wine? I never had it before

Trinculo: He is drunk.

Caliban: I will leave Prospero, if you give me wine. I will bring you fruit and nuts. I will find you the best fish. I will serve you.

Stephano: Show us the island, monster. We are gods.

(Singing drunkenly, they exit.)


(FERDINAND enters carrying fire wood.)

Ferdinand: This wood is heavy! My new friend cries when she sees me work. but her father is cruel. He has no heart.

Miranda (Enters.) : There you are. Poor boy. Sit down and rest. ,

Ferdinand: No. no. your father will be angry.

(PROSPERO enters secretly.)

Miranda: No, no, my father is studying. He will not come for two or three hours. Sit down. :

Ferdinand: But I must finish this work before sunset.

Miranda: You sit, and I will carry the wood.

Ferdinand: You ! Impossible.

Miranda: You are not my father's slave. : I don't want you to work so hard.

Prospero (alone) : She loves him. There can be no doubt of that. Ferdinand. Madam, I have one request.

Miranda: Only one ? What is it ?

Ferdinand: Tell me your name.

Miranda: Miranda. Oh ! I promised my father not to tell you.

Prospero (alone) : Hopeless !

Ferdinand: Miranda. You are the loveliest girl in the world.

Miranda: Have you seen other girls, then ?

Ferdinand: Other girls ? I have seen many, many girls.

Miranda :Lucky boy. I have never seen another girl. I did not know they existed.

Ferdinand: You have never seen another girl ! I can't believe it.

Miranda :It's not important. I don't want to see any other girls. I don't want to see any other boys. I only want to be with you.

Ferdinand: Dearest Miranda, you speak to a wood cutter, but a king is listening.

Miranda :Do you love me ?

Ferdinand. Yes .

Miranda (Cries.) : Thank you.

Prospero (alone) : Perfect, perfect.

Ferdinand: Why are you crying ?

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.Miranda: Because I'm so silly. I fear to offer what I have or ask for what I want. (She stops crying.) I will be brave. Let me be your wife. If you refuse, I will die alone.

Ferdinand: Yes, be my wife.

Miranda: And you will be my husband ?

Ferdinand:Yes. Take my hand.

Miranda: And mine ( They shake hands as a promise.) And now good-bye. Let's meet in half an hour.

( They exit separately.)

Prospero: Very nice indeed. My daughter has found happiness. The storm brought Ferdinand to this island at the best time.




Caliban. The best water on the island is there.

Stephano :Water ! We don' t want water. We want wine. (He drinks.) Drink, Trinculo.

Trinculo: Stephano, Stephano, we are kings. There are just three people on this island. Two kings, and one monster.

Stephano: Why don't you speak, monster ? Have you lost your tongue ?

Caliban: No, my king. I am listening to you. Your words are so wise.

Stephano: Yes.

Caliban: Let me kiss your shoe.

Trinculo: Kiss my shoe, too.

Caliban: No, you are not my king.

Trinculo: What ! You half-fish ! I am king of this island.

Caliban (to STEPHANO) : Don't let him insult me.

Stephano (to TRINCULO) : Silence, Trinculo, is this a mutiny ? Don't you hurt my poor monster.

Caliban: Thank you, my king. Now, I have a favour to ask you.

Stephano: Kneel, then, and ask me.

(CALIBAN kneels, ARIEL enters invisible, and uses the voice of TRINCULO)

Caliban: I was once king of this island. Then a magician came here and stole it from me.

Ariel (as TRINCULO) : Liar !

Caliban (to TRINCULO) : I did not lie ! Master Stephano, protect me.

Stephano: Trinculo, if you make any more trouble I will knock out your teeth.

Trinculo: What ! I said nothing.

Stephano: Then continue to say nothing. Yes, monster.

Caliban: This magician stole my island, and made me his slave. Help me to find revenge. You have courage. Trinculo has none.

Stephano: True.

Caliban: You shall be the new king of this island. I will be your servant.

Stephano: I like the idea, but how can we do it ?

Caliban: I will lead you to the magician while he sleeps. You may then kill him.

Ariel (as TRINCULO) : Liar ! You can't!

Caliban: Master, knock out his teeth. Take his wine bottle. Let him drink sea water.

Stephano: Trinculo, not one more word !

Trinculo: Are you crazy ? I did nothing.

Stephano: You said Caliban was a liar.

Ariel (as TRINCULO) : Now you lie.

Stephano: Me? Lie? Take that!

(He hits TRINCULO.)

Trinculo: Stop ! You drunken ass. Don t hit me.

(CALIBAN laughs.)

Trinculo: Don't laugh at me !

Stephano: Go over there, Trinculo. Go on. Now, monster, continue with your story.

Caliban: Hit him. Kill him. I'll hit him too.

Stephano: Over there, Trinculo, hurry.

Caliban: The magician sleeps every afternoon, in his cave. You can kill him. Then you must take his books. His magic comes from them, so you must take them. Next, take your prize.

Stephano: Prize?

Caliban: His daughter.

Stephano: A girl ! On this island ! Caliban : Yes, and she will make a good companion.

Stephano: Monster, I will kill this magician !

Caliban :Good. And the girl will be your queen, and bring you many little Stephanos.

Stephano: Excellent. I will be king, you and Trinculo will be viceroys. What do you think, Trinculo ?

Trinculo: Excellent.

Stephano: Shake hands, then. I'm sorry I hit you.

Caliban: That magician is sleeping now. Will you kill him ?

Stephano: Yes. Now.

Ariel (alone) : I must go and tell Prospero.

Trinculo (sings drunkenly.) : Flout 'em and scout 'em, and scout 'em and flout 'em; Thought is free.

Caliban: Let's go and kill Prospero.

Stephano: In a minute, in a minute.

Caliban: Are you afraid, then ?

Stephano: Me ? No.

Caliban: There is nothing to worry about. This is a magic island, and there's strange music, but it is not dangerous.

Stephano: Music, eh ? This will be a perfect kingdom for me if I receive music free.

Caliban: After Prospero is dead.

(ARIEL moves away, playing music.)

Trinculo: What beautiful music! It is moving away. Let's follow it. We can kill Prospero later.

Stephano : You go first Monster and we will follow you.

(Exit all. )



Alonso: My boy Ferdinand is dead. (He sits down.)

Antonio: I'm afraid he is. (to SEBASTIAN) And that's lucky for you.

Sebastian (to ANTONIO) : We'll kill the king at the next opportunity.

Antonio (to SEBASTIAN) : Tonight, then.

Sebastian (to ANTONIO) : Yes, tonight. (ARIEL enters with a picnic, puts it before them, gestures that they should eat, and goes; PROSPERO enters secretly.)

Alonso: Music ! Listen !

Sebastian: Yes, and look, a picnic ! Incredible !

Antonio: Food and wine ! I have eaten nothing for days !

Sebastian: Alonso, sir, will you not eat something ?

Alonso: No, it may be dangerous.

Antonio: It is not dangerous, sir. This island o is a place of safety, I think.

Alonso: Well, perhaps you are right. What do you think, brother ? Shall we eat ?

( They are about to eat, but ARIEL enters again and takes away the food. All the men draw their knives to defend themselves, in fear. )

Ariel: No, not yet. This island is not a place of safety for you, king Alonso.

Alonso: Why ?

Ariel:You are all evil men. You, Antonio, stole the city of Milan from Prospero. He is here on this island.

Antonio: Prospero is alive ?

Ariel:Yes, he is ! Ferdinand is dead, and they plan to murder you, Alonso. Take care. Your friends are false !

( The men chase ARIEL, in confusion.)

Prospero (to ARIEL) : Well done, good Ariel. My enemies are in my power, thank you. Let's go and find Miranda.


Antonio: Stop ! Stop !

Alonso: Did you hear that voice? Was it thunder or a man? My son is dead and Prospero lives again! It's incredible ! I don't know what to do.

( They exit talking.)



Prospero: Yes, I have been harsh and cruel.

Miranda: But why, father ? Ferdinand is a good boy.

Prospero: I know. It was a test.

Ferdinand: A test ?

Prospero: Yes. And you have passed the test with much success, so here is your reward.

Ferdinand: I don't understand.

Miranda: What do you mean, father ?

Prospero: Miranda is my daughter, and I freely give her to the man she loves. Whom do you love, Miranda?

Miranda: Love ? Why, I love Ferdinand here.

Prospero: And Ferdinand, whom do you love ?

Ferdinand: Your daughter, sir.

Prospero: Then she is yours.

Ferdinand: Can I believe this ?

Prospero: Yes, it is no joke. Take her and marry her, but before the wedding do not harm her.

Ferdinand: Of course I will not touch her.

Prospero :You may talk together, of course.: Go on !

(MIRANDA and FERDINAND talk secretly.)

Prospero: Ariel !

(ARIEL enters.)

Ariel: Here I am, master. :

Prospero: Your last work was excellent, thank you. Now, go and bring here that rabble of drunkards; Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban. I must stay here and explain to this young couple something of my art. : (Exit ARIEL. )

Miranda: What's the matter, father ?

Prospero: That beast Caliban intends to murder me.

Ferdinand: Murder you !

Prospero: Don't worry. I can prevent him. You two go in the cave. It is safe there. I'll stay outside and protect you.

(FERDINAND and MIRANDA enter cave! enter ARIEL.)

Prospero: Well ?

Ariel :They are coming.

Prospero: Good.

Ariel :They are so drunk they cannot walk straight. They fell in a pond, and now they smell worse than before.

Prospero: Disgusting. Bring them here.


Caliban: Shh! Quiet! That is Prospero's cave. He is probably sleeping. No noise.

Stephano: Hurry, monster. Hurry.

Trinculo: Ugh, I smell like a farmer.

Stephano: Me, too. Monster, where is this

Prospero:I think you are deceiving us.

Caliban: Patience, good sirs, patience.

Trinculo: Where is my bottle ?

Stephano: Don't start drinking again.

Trinculo (drinking) : Just a tiny drop.

Stephano: Then give me some.

Caliban: Masters, quiet, I beg you. There is the cave. Go in, kill Prospero, and you are king of this island.

Stephano: King ! I am a king.

Trinculo: King Stephano ! (He sees clothes on a line.) Look, clothes for a king. (He starts to put on clothes.) Clothes for a king.

Stephano: Take it off, Trinculo, that is a king's robe. Give it to me.

Trinculo: Pardon, your grace. Please put it on.

Caliban: No, no, no, leave the clothes alone. Go in and kill Prospero first.

Stephano: Quiet, monster. Help me carry these clothes, or I will drive you out of my kingdom.

Prospero: Ariel ! Drive them out! (ARIEL runs in like a dog and drives CALIBAN, STEPHANO, TRINCULO away.) Don't kill them! Hunt them like the vermin they are. Well done, Ariel, I am pleased with you. Soon I promise you shall be free. Where is king Alonso ?

Ariel:Your magic holds him in the same place, with Antonio and Sebastian. Be kind to them, sir !

Prospero: Never. They are murderers and thieves.

Ariel:If you saw them now you'd feel sorry.

Prospero: You think so ?

Ariel:If I were human, I would feel sorry.

Prospero: Ah, Ariel, you are not human but you teach me how to be human. Yes, I must be kind. If they admit their crime, then I must show mercy. Go, Ariel. Free them.

Ariel: I'll bring them here, master.

(ARIEL goes and returns with ALONSO, SEBASTIAN and ANTONIO.)

Alonso: Who are you ?

Prospero: You know me.

Alonso: I don't think so.

Prospero: You know me.

Antonio: I don't.

Prospero: Antonio, I know you. I know that a little while ago you and Sebastian almost murdered Alonso. (to ALONSO) And you once harmed me and my daughter.

Alonso: You and your daughter ! When ?

Prospero: Ah, wait and see, wait and see. Ariel ! My robe. (ARIEL helps PROSPERO dress in magic clothes.) Thank you dainty Ariel. Now, go to the king's ship. The sailors are sleeping there safely. Bring them all here.

Ariel :Yes, master.

(Exit ARIEL.)

Prospero: Now, who am I ?

Alonso (very surprised) : Prospero.

Prospero: Yes, I am Prospero.

Alonso: But you died twelve years ago ! How can you be Prospero ?

Prospero (to ALONSO): I did not die, though you wished to kill me. (to SEBASTIAN) You stole my dukedom; and put Miranda and me in a boat. It carried us here, as your ship carried you here, three hours ago. Welcome, brother.

Sebastian: Prospero ? My brother ?

Prospero: Yes, Sebastian. Where is my dukedom of Milan ?

Sebastian: I'll give it back to you.

Alonso: That is not difficult, but I have lost my son Ferdinand. Who can give him back to me ?

Prospero: Ah, your luck was very bad.

Alonso: Without my son, I have no wish to live.

Prospero: You are like me. I have lost my daughter.

Alonso: You have lost a daughter ? If your daughter and my son were in Naples as king and queen, then I should die happy.

Prospero: That's a nice idea.

Alonso: When did you lose your daughter?

Prospero: In the last storm. You think I am not Prospero ?

Antonio: I said nothing.

Prospero: But I know your thoughts. In this cave I have some proof, and if you see it you will know that I am Prospero indeed, and the true duke of Milan. Let me show you. (PROSPERO opens curtain to cave, showing MIRANDA and FERDINAND playing chess.)

Miranda: Ferdinand ! I think you are cheating !

Ferdinand (laughing) : No, no, never.

Miranda: But even if you cheated, I would say nothing and love you more.

Alonso: A miracle ! Is this my son alive again ?

Sebastian: It must be magic. :

Ferdinand: (seeing ALONSO) Father ! Are you not dead ?

Alonso: I think I am alive, like you. How did you come here ?

Miranda: So many handsome men! Are I they human ?

Ferdinand: Of course they are human.

Miranda: Oh, brave new world that has such people in it.

Prospero: It's new to you ; it's not new to me.

Alonso: Who is this young lady? You seem very friendly, but three hours ago you had never seen her. Is she human ?

Ferdinand: Oh yes, father. She's very human.

Alonso: Give me your hands. (He takes hands of FERDINAND and MIRANDA.) There. The new king and queen of Naples. (ARIEL enters with CALIBAN, STEPHANO and TRINCULO. They are wearing the stolen clothes.)

Miranda: What ! More kings !

Caliban (to STEPHANO and TRINCULO) : That's Prospero ! Kill him !

Alonso: Surely that is Stephano, my drunken butler ?

Sebastian: Yes. He is drunk now. Where did he find the wine ?

Alonso: Trinculo is a ripe grape, too.

Prospero: Caliban. Take these drunken fools into the cave, and make them clean it. I forgive you your follies.

Caliban: Thank you, master. I will become wise from now. What a fool I was to think these drunken fools were gods! (Exit CALIBAN, TRINCULO, STEPHANO.)

Prospero: King Alonso, let us rest here tonight. Tomorrow we will all take you boat and return to Naples.

Alonso :Thank you.

Prospero: I wish to see my daughter married. After that, I will be ready to prepare for death. ( They go into cave.) Ariel ! You are free !

Ariel: Good-bye, master, good-bye, and thank you . (Exit ARIEL. )

Prospero (alone) : My magic is finished, and tomorrow we leave this island. (He takes off magic cloak.)

Now my charms are all o'erthrown,

And what strength I have's mine own,

Which is most faint: now 'tis true,

I must be here confined by you,

Or sent to Naples. Let me not,

Since I have my dukedom got,

And pardoned the deceiver, dwell

In this bare island by your spell;

But release me from my bands

With the help of your good hands :

Gentle breath of yours my sails

Must fill, or else my project fails

Which was to please. Now I want

Spirits to enforce, art to enchant;

And my ending is despair

Unless I be relieved by prayer,

Which pierces so, that it assaults

Mercy itself, and frees all faults.

As you from crimes would pardoned be,

Let your indulgence set me free.

(Exit. )

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


PLACE : An uninhabited island

TIME : uncertain

ACTORS : 8 boys, I girl, Ariel (a spirit)


PROSPERO, an old man

MIRANDA, his daughter

ARIEL, a good spirit, servant to PROSPERO

CALIBAN, a monster, servant to PROSPERO

ALONSO, king of Naples

FERDINAND, his son

SEBASTIAN, his brother


